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**UTILITY** FL Mod Manager v1.2 (and some mods)

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 2:58 am

I get this when tring to actvate any mod
Error:problem activating Rhienland Gunship Mod
This was only the test run
Also Can,t deactivate nostory mod same message.
What gives

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:19 am

What does the bottom of the log say?

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:26 am

List of downloadable mods for it:
Ghost docking ring (to help big ships pass through the docking ring)

About this...
Ok, i am a n00b at this, but should i just replace the file i have dloaded and replace it with the file already existing in that folder ??
i was beginning to wonder when i saw that the dloaded file was 0Kb and the allready existing file was about 28Kb ??

And what should i do with the scriptfile ??

Edited by - DeEvil on 23-03-2003 03:29:45

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:33 am

These are the log messages
Error: Unable to find section in 'e:\Freelancer\data\missions\m01a\m01a.ini'
Error: problem deactivating 'NoStory Mod' on test run
Error: Unable to find section in 'e:\Freelancer\data\equipment\market_misc.ini'
Error: problem activating 'Rheinland Gunship Mod' on test run
Error: Unable to find section in 'e:\Freelancer\data\equipment\market_misc.ini'
Error: problem activating 'Realistic Battleship Mod' on test run
Error: Unable to find section in 'e:\Freelancer\data\equipment\market_ships.ini'
Error: problem activating 'Original Battleship Mod' on test run
Error: Unable to find section in 'e:\Freelancer\data\equipment\market_misc.ini'
Error: problem activating 'Realistic Battleship Mod (cheap)' on test run

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:37 am

DeEvil: Did you manually unzip that file? You don't need or want to, because FLMM will automatically do everything for you when you open a *.flmod file.

Skeeta: it looks like you have modified those ini files. If you have, either remove the modifications, re-install Freelancer, or replace those ini files with the ones in the FL ini file backup zip archive in the downloads section of this site.

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 4:14 am

I reinstalled freelance & flmm the already installed mods work.But i get this when trying to activate oroin1
Error: SHCopyFile failed ('D:\Games\Freelancer\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\Orion1\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\Orion_01_Base.ini' to 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\Orion_01_Base.ini')
Error: problem activating 'Orion1'
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\Orion_01_Base.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\Orion_02_Base.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\Orion_02_Base.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_01_bar.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_01_deck.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_01_deck2.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_01_shipdealer.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_bar.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_bar.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_cityscape.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_cityscape.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_equipment.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_equipment.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_shipdealer.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_shipdealer.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_trader.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_trader.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\Orion.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\EXE\extra.dll' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\Read Me.txt' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\Orion_01_Base.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\Orion_02_Base.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\Orion_02_Base.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_01_bar.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_01_deck.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_01_deck2.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_01_shipdealer.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_bar.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_bar.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_cityscape.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_cityscape.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_equipment.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_equipment.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_shipdealer.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_shipdealer.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_trader.bak' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\BASES\ROOMS\Orion_02_trader.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\Orion\Orion.ini' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\EXE\extra.dll' doesn't exist!
Error: file 'e:\Freelancer\Read Me.txt' doesn't exist!
Deactivation of 'Orion1' successful

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 4:49 am

well.... i just dloaded the file. open it and extracted it.
after that i haven´t done anything with it.
what am i supposed to do with them?
i am not talking about the manager mod, just the gosth-dockingrings...

the mod seems to work, but after intalling it i have experienced 2 times when i have just been thrown out of the game, never happened before...
not when the games loading, just when playing it...

Also, where can i find the ships in the manager-mod ?
just wondering =)

i would be a very happy guy if i could learn me these kind of things...i mean doing mods and stuff...
how do i start ??
what kind of stuff do i need to learn??
What programs do i need??
I have none what so ever experience about this...

Athlon 1,3Gh
256Mb DDr
Hercules 64Mb graphics ( yeah , i know i need an upgrade =) )
Audigy 5.1 sound
200Mb hdd 7200 rpm
WinXP Pro

edit ver 1.4
1: editing some text and spelling
2: just getting thrown out of the game... this has happened 4 times now....
3: adding spec for my comp
4: keep getting thrown out...can´t even play it any more...guess i have to reinstall all things again and try

Edited by - DeEvil on 23-03-2003 05:05:36

Edited by - DeEvil on 23-03-2003 05:05:55

Edited by - DeEvil on 23-03-2003 15:29:08

Edited by - DeEvil on 23-03-2003 15:55:17

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:02 am

All the included mods cause that error message for me. I haven't downloaded anything but the mod manager.

P4 3.06GHZ
ATI Radeon 9700 pro
1536MB RD-RAM PC1066

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:46 am

Freelancer Mod Manager v0.7 BETA is now out, and it fixes both Skeeta's and Cheese's problem and hopefully FurryAngel's problem (now works with Trial version, if mod also does). I've also tweaked the way mods are made for FLMM, so be sure to re-read the documentation!

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:08 am

Well I still have problems running the orion mod. It installs with no error messages, but when I load it up it then crashes to the desktop. And when I try to deactivate it I get no error messages, but when I load up FL it cashes to the desktop. Even when I restore back ups I still had the same problem. I manage to fix it by activating one of the mods and deactivating it. Good news is that eveything else works

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 3:56 pm

Could I put a link to your Fl mod manager file on my site or put the actual file on my site for download?

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:06 pm

Yep, certainly

anttch: have you tried moving/deleting your saved games, to see if they are the cause of the crashes?

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:06 pm

I uninstalled FL and then reinstalled it.
After that i upgraded to IGx89´s excellent Mod manager 0.7 BETA...

All troubles just like a charm...
Thnx for aa great job everyone making these mods and to you IGx89 for this manager...just love it...

Well...i think it is time for me to take my cruiser out again..seems like it is restless just hanging there in space... =)

Edit ver 1.1
1: i just got promoted...weee... =) i am now 2nd Lieutenant (what that now means... )

Edited by - DeEvil on 24-03-2003 19:07:34

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 9:35 pm

Hmmm, installed 0.7 (no previous installs or modifications used) just to have a peek. Activated and de-activated a couple mods and left all de-activated.

I then try to connect to my game server and BOOM, crash to desktop during the load sequence (after choosing server and character).

I uninstalled from the client and still the same thing. Tried four times but I crash to desktop just before I would normally pop into the game. The uninstall information says it restores original files but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 9:42 pm

Oops, forgot to put in the server console error message:
Logging in from client with mod manager installed but *NO* active mods

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\space\StarSys.cpp(540):*** WARNING: StarSystem::enter0:CLI()System(h02)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454):*** WARNING: alloc_equip:Archetype(0xbbaf4f8b) not supported/equippable

After uninstalling mod manager from the client E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\space\StarSys.cpp(540):*** WARNING: StarSystem::enter0:CLI()System(h02)

The server never had mod manager installed.

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