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A new RPG(as in each person makes posts about his/her char s

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:01 pm

A new RPG(as in each person makes posts about his/her char s

(note if u wish u do not have to use ur user name as ur char name u can use any although i plan on using mine.also any1 may post dont be SHY i dont care im not such a good writer myself. also if ceasar would permit i would like to have this go in the general direction of his thoughts on a fl2 storyline that can be found in another thread which i wish u would read b4 posting here if possible)

25 years after the nomads were banished from sirius space

He was only known by his callsign DragonBorn,no one knew where he cme from or where he got his expert fighting skills. he once had flame red hair that was his pride until he dyed it black because of a 'accident' when he was 17 and murdered his bullying cousin who had gone too far. he was a expert hacker so before he left he erased all information about him from the central newyork databanks. after which thinking to start a new life in bretonia where no one would know aobut his past but luck was not on his side as the day he decided too leave the outcasts attacked planet manhattan itself right after he cleared the docking ring he immediately saw a horde of daggers aproaching from the direction of fort bush which could only mean that fort bush was destroyed he quickly engaged his cruise engines while the outcasts were busy wwith the navy and barely avoided a incoming group of stilettos which after he decided it would be easier to fit into rheinland because he was born to rheinland and kusari parents after 6 years he's decided to go back to liberty and its outlying systems having made a name for himself among the navy and police types this is where our adventure begins...

As he walked down the sterile white corridor of freeport 4 he pondered the latest reports on pirate activity in liberty that he had gotten from one of his contacts
in the navy.
its not right he thought avoiding other people in the crowded corridor automatically.
The reports he had gotten were top secret and if the navy ever found out who gave them to him he and him would probably be keelhauled on the nearest cruiser, the info from it showed that crime activity had decreased everywhere except buffalo a heavily fortified rouge base in the badlands few knew of in the navy or police because they usually did not go that far in he had also found a peculiar in system jumphole that put him near zone 21 and he barely got back though the jumphole before a patrol came along.
As he neared the bar he was surprised to see that the doors to it were closed when the bar was supposed to be open there was a small crowd milling about near it.
"whats going on" he asked a bearded man who was clearly bretonian.
"i don't know it was like this when i got here although there were noises like from a animal coming from inside" he responded.
Well he decided time to take matters into his own hands he took out a illegal pusle door breaker that could open a blast door given enough time he had 'liberated' it from a pirate he was hunting on the ground after disposing of the man himself of course.He walked up to the door placed it on the seam in the middle where the double doors met and activated it in a few seconds there was a loud screaching of gears not often used or oiled as they slid open revealing a scene would make hardened police officers gasp and less strong men retch on the floor which is exaclty what many started doing. For in the bar were 20 or more mutilated bodies including the bartender who was slumped over the counter with a vibroblade protruding from his back and in the middle of it all stood a man with a feverish light in his eyes.
"dear god" someone exclaimed
The man in the middle of the room headed for them staggering as if drunk and then suddenly collapsed onto the floor blood pouring from his open mouth.He quicly rushed forward using a advanced medical scanner he had also "liberated" from a top secret lab and proceeded to scan the dead man in front of him.He stared at the readout looked at the man and then back in astonishment the man had died of cardamine withdrawl so severe he had gone mad before he died thus the reason for all the bodies because in his bodies instinctive search for the life saving drug he had murdered anyone around him and searched them for it to see if they possibly carried some with them so he could save himself.
Now he thought to find out why such a man did not just go to a criminal base here or in nearby systems and get the drug None of his business anyway. .
and proceeded to call the liberty police and naval forces who would surely come even to the independent systems for something like this it would also probably draw alot of scientists who studied the illegal drug,but that was nothing for him to worry over,let the authorities take care of it he thought as he headed back to the hangar bay.

Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/12/2004 11:21:36 AM

Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/12/2004 4:49:12 PM

Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:02 pm

this has been done before, in off topic.

Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:55 pm

No seriously... it has been done in offtopic

Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:00 pm

There have been several "add-on" stories in off topic. .

Michael Song of Solomon

Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:25 pm

This is the biggest of all. Link there are other, they have just dropped way down as a lot get locked over time.

Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 5:39 pm


Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/10/2004 6:41:08 PM

Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 11:15 pm

Would the above poster please shut up. We aren't caring.

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:53 am

Wow, a n00b who thinks he can "boss" around the moderators ....
I'm going to watch this thread, and laugh when he gets what's coming to him ...

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 2:57 am

Alright, knock it off guys! Dragonborn hasn't done anything wrong by making a thread about a new FL based RPG. No need to go tell him it's Off Topic, since it's FL based and besides, it's nice to have FL stories. Yes we did do stories in Off Topic, but that doesn't mean this one needs to go to Off Topic as well or that he has to add to exsisting stories, because all he want is to start a new one. Let's give him a chance shall we. I'm keeping this open for people to add to, but don't let me catch any of you making hateful remarks, spam etc., otherwise I might delete your posts!

@Dragonborn: As you can see I'm giving you a chance, but let me make it very clear I'm not particular happy with the way you're loosing your temper here and your attitude. Don't go telling us what to do, especially not in CAPS! I advise you to not do that again, or else I'll just lock or delete this entire thing the next time without hesitating or worse.

PS. I might delete some of the posts in here in a short while to not let it cloud a potential story. I'll watch this one closely to see how it goes....if it's not going to work out, I'll lock it after all.

Moderator for The Lancers Reactor
Creator of the TLR FTP Upload Service
E-Mail: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]

Edited by - Eraser on 6/11/2004 4:07:08 AM

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:41 am

good ol' Wouter, what a nice bloke

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:17 am

thnx for the second chance they were just annoying and i lost my temper(i think it runs in the family)i know about the caps rule i was really pissed off and i am very sorry about it becasue i know its annoying to ppl. sooooo, anyone wanna add on to the story(note: criticism is accepted and will be used if possible such as not enough depth more detail bigger fights etc.
im not hard headed or hard to ge along with and to the earlier comment no i am not a n00b as you put did u even check my joining date i may not have played for 'ages' as many of you have but i have been around long enough not to be considered a n00b imvho)(oh btw if any of you still thin kim a 'n00b' ask someone from frostworks or dragontalon mercenaries(its a rpg clan on frostworks lvl 2 mod link: tho i do not know everyone on the frostworks forum( there are a quite a few that probably monitor frostwokrs and tlr forums(note to admins and mods is it even possible to make a rpg forum because it could imvho it would be easier on where to put stuff like stories or bar threads (tho i havent seen any of the latter here at tlr just my very humble opinion on the matter)(note: if no one posts it will become a story that i make not a rpg and i will add on to it when i get the time)

Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/11/2004 11:26:12 AM

(note: i also said plz i didn't order him to i 'requested' for the uselesss posts to be removed(albeit in caps which i shouldn't have done and was a very stupid thing to do that i regret greatly and will not do in the future to the best of my ability.thnx again for the second chance eraser)

Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/11/2004 11:34:55 AM

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:46 am

ooc Hmm another RPG is not a bad idea, depends on how it is done, if it will be anything like the first one it would be fun.

Not a bad start btw, but it gets confusing at some places because of some punctuation absence

"...All idealization makes life poorer. To beautify it is to take away its character of complexity--it is to destroy it." Conrad

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 6/11/2004 11:59:05 AM

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 11:15 pm

Dragon, if you are posting, look to the left of the box, you'll see forum codes there in blue, click on that, everything you need is there

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:24 am

(OOC: Hey Dragonborn. Good to have you here mate
It's a good start and has some potential. You might want to explain a bit on the main characters past, how he became who he is and why he's doing what he's doing, etc etc.

Oh, and don't mind these people, they've been hanging around here for to long. Keep on writing, I'll be keeping an eye on this )

Celbrating one year of Daftness

Edited by - > Nickless < on 6/12/2004 4:26:05 AM

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:26 am

k thnx for the tip didn't know about that sycho (OOC:hi nickless wanna help with it i'm not that good at this stuff but i figured if you want to get better u've got to practice and i might learn stuff from people who are good at it and help make the story oh ya and i'm aignoring them to the best of my ability

(note: i deleted some of my other unimportant posts in this thread so its not too cluttered)

VVVVVVVVVVVV looks like this thread wont die afterall i'll wait a couple of hours to see if someone else posts if they dont i'll add on to my char.

Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/12/2004 4:44:51 PM

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