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The Fan Fiction Returns

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri May 07, 2004 12:02 pm

The Fan Fiction Returns

OK I've moved my fan fic here, and deleted the other one.
The fan fiction is dead, long live the fan fiction...
OK I've tinkered a bit with the first two posts and added a new section. I'll be posting more tommorrow.

Prologue Part 1-
Core Zaire (Universal Shipping Accounting Extraordinaire) had finally scrounged enough money to buy a ship. All he had wanted since leaving Kusari to the land of Liberty was own a ship. It was this aim which had brought him to Manhattan.
And it was this aim which would very soon take him off it...
He had come to Liberty to seek his fortune, and once he had his very own ship, he could do just that.
He had long day-dreamed about space, and the many occupations it would offer.
He had no intention of remaining in Universal (this would be quite difficult considering that part of his plan to save up for a ship had involved getting himself fired and using the severance pay. He had been pissing off his boss for the past two months before finally being fired), nor did he want to go into mining-this left 2 options: Pirate or Ace Freelancer. Either that or the Bounty Hunters Guild.
He had, however, heard very disturbing rumours about certain Bounty Hunters moral integrity (to put it lightly), so he thought he’d stay a sizeable away from that particular group of people.
He had no intention of breaking the law, and so he had decided on the Freelance option.
He had been walking around aimlessly for an hour now, subconsciously taking the longest possible route to the ship dealership. He snapped to his senses quickly and realised he had in fact just walked past it. He walked through the massive doors and entered the ship dealership.
Rows and rows of massive heads stared back at him from their stony resting place on the walls... a feeling of destiny was overcoming him as he walked up the steps to where the somewhat obese dealer was standing. "'Ello, mate. What 'ya want?" He said in his irritating drunken drawl.
"I would like to buy the best damn ship you have!" Core said, perhaps a tad too full of himself.
"Rhino? That'll be... $30,000 please."
"What??!! No-one has that much money!" He personally had £3,000.
"Bargain, mate, is what that is. Best price in Sirius if I say so myself." Replied the dealer, who was beginning to despise this cheap foreigner.
"I have 3 thousand..." Core mumbled.
"Oh well. Nothing here for ya mate. Bugger off." He said, turning back to the delicate work of counting his money.
"I'll take anything! I really need this!" Core said, begging on his knees.
"Hmmm... there is one thing. I reckon it'd be right up your alley..."
He led Core to a pile of scrap metal at the back of his shop. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a ship.
"Starflier. Bit battered, but it'll do ya right." He said, trying with all his might not to fall on the floor laughing.
Core Zaire looked at the "ship", then at the dealer, who had a very strange smile on his face. He knew in his heart that he would take it. He had to.
"How much?" Core sighed.
"3 thousand. I'll give ya yer 'quipment free. Great value."
" Oh, all right." Core was not a happy man.
"Good. There isn't any "serious" problems with it, but the cargo doors are bust. You can't open 'em in space, so you'll have to leave dock with yer bay doors open. They close all right, and the tractor beam's decent, but they can't reopen in space." He said, once he had safely pocketed the cash. "No refunds, o' course."

Corsair#01takes no responsiblity for any Spam created or endorsed by Corsair#01 Postings Limited.
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier><font size=1 face=Courier><font size=1 face=Courier>So this is what the code button does... </font> </font> </font></pre>

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 5/7/2004 1:05:19 PM

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 5/7/2004 1:05:10 PM

Post Fri May 07, 2004 12:03 pm

Prologue Part 2
A short while later, the valiant Core Zaire, whose ship he had christened "The Rookie" was ready to fly. He had taken a few flying lessons (several hundred in fact, just to be safe. You could take the man out of Universal Shipping, but you can't take Universal Shipping out of the man.), and now he was ready to go hunting.
He had chosen his destination well in advance. He may have been thought he was a great pilot, but he wasn't THAT stupid. He knew well enough that the Badlands would not be on his destination list for quite a while, so he chose the debris field just north of Manhattan.
All his life, he had never seen a docking-ring. On his immigration trip to Manhattan, he had fallen asleep, and he had never actually been in space after that. Later, he decided it would probably be best not to look at any pictures of docking rings (or Stations. Or planets. Or pretty much anything to do with space)as he had thought this would ruin his surprise.
He had, however once talked to a man named Edison in bar. He had regaled him for hours with drunken tales of the universe. When asked what a docking ring looked like, Edison had told him that they looked like the rings of plastic on a multipack of beer, only multiplied a thousand times but were nowhere near as beautiful. That said, however, he then went on to proclaim how he once shot the Rheinland Chancellor and how there was an alien conspiracy to kill him, so Zaire was not entirely sure this information was totally reliable.
He could now confirm that Edison was right about at least one thing. As he approached the great rings in the sky, he was beginning to have doubts.
Would he ever taste Liberty Ale again?
Hang on. He hated Liberty Ale!
He shrugged it off, and got back to flying.
He was rounding the side of planet, when he heard a deafening cackle on his intercom. The face of a handsome young Police Officer appeared on his screen. One of the police had spotted him! Had he committed some kind of crime?!
"Attention Core Zaire#01!" Some sniggering could be heard in the background.
"Yes, Officer?" He asked.
"Your ship!" He responded, as his nimble Patriot washed past him.
"What about it?" Core wondered.
"You're heading into the field in that?!"
"Yes. Why?"
"Oh nothing. Just... wellll... better you than me, mate. Let's just put it that way."
"I'll have you know, you fool, that this is a perfectly good ship, and it is crewed by the finest pilot in all of Sirius!"
"Your cargo bays open." He pointed out.
"GOODBYE, sir!" Shouted Core Zaire, as he entered the debris field and took his leave of the patrol.
The sleek Patriot turned around and headed back to Manhattan, it's pilot laughing all the way. Core Zaire was seriously considering becoming a pirate, if only to kill this irritating idiot. But in a second, his hate vanished, to be replaced by fear...
Suddenly, Core Zaire detected three red splodges lurking on the edge of sight. He thought he could hear a small noise over his intercom, which sounded suspiciously like three pilots laughing their heads off.
His fear temporarily gave way to embarrassment. He would probably avoid telling the tale of his first space journey to his children.
In a split second, however, his fear returned.
They were grey, they were armed, and they were closing on him...

Corsair#01takes no responsiblity for any Spam created or endorsed by Corsair#01 Postings Limited.
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier><font size=1 face=Courier><font size=1 face=Courier>So this is what the code button does... </font> </font> </font></pre>

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 5/7/2004 1:02:16 PM

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 5/7/2004 1:03:10 PM

Post Fri May 07, 2004 12:04 pm

Prologue Part 3
His pilot training kicked in instantly, as he dodged the first spray of lasers. The Rogue Bloodhounds came round for another pass. Core fired a missile into the incoming ships. They broke off for a second, buying Core some time to close in behind the lead fighter...
The next few seconds were a haze, even to him... He fought like he had never imagined he could, especially not in this hunk of junk...
He sprayed barrage after barrage of Justice plasma into the pirates. They never had a chance.
It was almost as if, in some paralell universe, the greatest pilot in Sirius was controlling his ship from afar using some kind of board with buttons on it and a small rounded piece of plastic with two buttons and a scroll wheel on it to steer his ship. He discharged this nonsense analogy instantly and surveyed the scene...
The broken bodies of three Rogue Bloodhounds lay before him. He had won.
He tractored in the loot, and, once he had heard the satisfying thud of the cargo bay doors closing, he headed back home to Manhattan.
Home. He had never really thought of Manhattan as a home, but it would have to do... for now, at least. Certainly until he had a better ship.
As he neared Manhattan, he heard a voice on the intercom, and a talking head appeared on the screen. It was another police officer. Great, Core Zaire thought to himself. Another arrogant police officer, here to diss his ship.
When the police officer talked however, it was with a rather more serious tone than the other.
"Core Zaire#01. I am scanning your cargo for contraband." Proclaimed the officer.
His cargo! He hadn't even glanced at it after he'd tractored it in. He glanced at it over his shoulder.
Some Rogue cannons...half a thruster engine...Oh. Two Rogue corpses. You could tell they were corpses quite easily, the reason being, one had his exposed lungs where his head should be, and the other had no upper body at all to speak of.
But then, at the back of the bay, something caught his eye that was even more horrible... The police were not going to like this.
A small container sat innocently at the back of the bay. It's label could just about be read from the cockpit..."C-102 Cardimine Grade 6"
"All right you drug-smuggling scum! Drop it or die!" Shouted the officer down the 'com.
"I...I...I...can't! My cargo bay can't open in space!" Replied Zaire. He had never liked that ship dealer, but now he truly despised him.
Two sleek Defenders took up flanking positions and aimed at him...
"Oh. I see. All units attack!"

Corsair#01takes no responsiblity for any Spam created or endorsed by Corsair#01 Postings Limited.
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier><font size=1 face=Courier>So this is what the code button does... </font> </font></pre>

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 5/7/2004 1:02:35 PM

Post Fri May 07, 2004 12:05 pm

Prologue Part 4
Core Zaire dodged the first barrage of lasers, or most of them. The Defenders had him completely outgunned, it was clear he wasn't going to win this one...
These weren't some grubby pirates, this was the Liberty Police Force.
He closed behind the officer who had talked to him on the intercom, and fired his guns.
Or rather, gun. Damn Rogues took out my weapons, thought Core.
He fired his one remaining Justice at the back of the Defender over and over again, to no effect. The pilot he was chasing laughed, braked and turned around his ship to face Core. He fired his guns.
Core felt his ship ripped to shreds around him... his engines were down and his sole remaining gun was wiped out.
Suddenly the shooting accelerated briefly and got louder, but none of it seemed to be hitting Core. He looked out the window in time to see the officer shooting at him turn around, fire a few lasers at a streak of darkness passing by, then explode in a shower of red lasers.
The two other Defenders were fleeing, one was destroyed in a shower of red before it could activate it cruise engines, the other one made it out in time.
Outcasts. There were only one kind of pilot Core knew that could fight like that. He heard voices in Spanish over his intercom, and two spearhead shaped patches of slighty greyish black maneouvered themselves to a dead stop in front of him.
-in Spanish- "Hmm... should we kill him?"
"*laughter*What's the point?"
"OK, fair enough. Still..."
"Well, he had some balls to take on three Defenders in that."
"Yeah good point. Guy should get a medal."
"Or a decent ship."
"Yeah, well. We'd better be out of here before those stupid Feds get back."
The streaks of blackness flew at Core at high speed, turning away at the last minute.
And they were gone.

Core Zaire surveyed the wreckage of his ship. No shields, no guns. Little sparks came out of his monitor, and the lights went out.
Core went to sleep.

Core Zaire woke up in a very different place. He was in a room with one chair, a wall of darkened glass and a dim light bulb. It looked like one of those Mafia movies where the lead is about to get the crap beat out of him by big people with baseball bats, lisps and anger-management issues.
The door opened, and a figure was illuminated by the light in the hall. The figure was flanked by two burly looking men with painful looking batons...


Corsair#01takes no responsiblity for any Spam created or endorsed by Corsair#01 Postings Limited.
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier><font size=1 face=Courier>So this is what the code button does... </font> </font></pre>

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 5/7/2004 1:02:55 PM

Post Fri May 07, 2004 1:59 pm

nicce, keep going. real nice. I can't wait to hear more.

You know what?
You guys should populate
Yukanojo's Server.
I love it. Start out completely neutral and 5k credits. Also, you can e-mail me and ask to join my clan if you want. I have 2 members already. If I agree with you joining, meet me at manhatten and i will give you 100k credits. So, pay a visit to Yukanojo's server. Also, during the next week(10th to 16th), I will be donating my 7-8mil credits, and equipment to someone on the
[5thW FL::
server to some lucky player hanging out manahtten. I wil be around manhatten and only for 5 mins. I have kusari rare guns all the way to nomad guns and level 10 fighter shield. Don't miss out.

Post Fri May 07, 2004 2:07 pm

dr, your sig is too friggin big

Post Fri May 07, 2004 7:00 pm

yes, i know. Its supposed to be big. it's loaded with inforamtion that needs to be said. I will put up a new one by the end of next week.

You know what?
You guys should populate
Yukanojo's Server.
I love it. Start out completely neutral and 5k credits. Also, you can e-mail me and ask to join my clan if you want. I have 2 members already. If I agree with you joining, meet me at manhatten and i will give you 100k credits. So, pay a visit to Yukanojo's server. Also, during the next week(10th to 16th), I will be donating my 7-8mil credits, and equipment to someone on the
[5thW FL::
server to some lucky player hanging out manahtten. I wil be around manhatten and only for 5 mins. I have kusari rare guns all the way to nomad guns and level 10 fighter shield. Don't miss out.

Post Fri May 07, 2004 11:56 pm

perhaps, but you dont need it everytime you post.

Post Sat May 08, 2004 4:18 am

i want it to stand out.

You know what?
You guys should populate
Yukanojo's Server.
I love it. Start out completely neutral and 5k credits. Also, you can e-mail me and ask to join my clan if you want. I have 2 members already. If I agree with you joining, meet me at manhatten and i will give you 100k credits. So, pay a visit to Yukanojo's server. Also, during the next week(10th to 16th), I will be donating my 7-8mil credits, and equipment to someone on the
[5thW FL::
server to some lucky player hanging out manahtten. I wil be around manhatten and only for 5 mins. I have kusari rare guns all the way to nomad guns and level 10 fighter shield. Don't miss out.

Post Sat May 08, 2004 4:54 am

well once is more than enough.

Post Sat May 08, 2004 5:10 am

its not just us, the mods dont like it either, if your going to have it every time then make it small (1 or 2 lines)

if its going to be big only one a thread

Post Sat May 08, 2004 6:18 am

it's awsome. your should keep writing it. if ya wanted to i'll be it'll be a great book.

People are changed by their worlds Trent, rarely vice versa.
-Jun'ko Zane

Post Sat May 08, 2004 11:02 am

@ psycho. Thanx for the tip. But in a really long post(30-60 posts) about 7-10 times is reasonable.

Post Sat May 08, 2004 1:13 pm

no it isnt, once per page is enough.

Edited by - freighter fighter on 5/8/2004 3:33:59 PM

Post Sat May 08, 2004 6:27 pm

ok, i understand.

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