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{Alien} pirate clan

Here you can discuss clans and advertise for new members

Post Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:07 pm

{Alien} pirate clan

As the greeting usually is on my server...SHABBA!

I'm the leader of the {Alien} pirate clan on the DS9 Server.We've had to deal with the hunter and other non-pirate clans running things on our server for too long...and we're here to change that.We are small at the moment but looking to grow into a large number.We offer some very good incentives to join including:-
*Starting cash (enough so u don't struggle
*Choice of our extensive range of weapons
*Chance to get ur own back
*A good decent bunch of guys to fight alongside with

If u are,then u can contact me with my e-mail on this account,on our forums at or the DS9 forums at (from the link above).
Names known by:


Look forward to hearing from you

and like a phoenix i'll return from the ashes....with the help of the re-spawn key

Edited by - DS9Phoenix on 9/4/2005 6:55:53 AM

Post Thu Sep 01, 2005 12:43 pm

DS9, I can't find your server on my list. What do I need?

I'm just running vannilla. Nothing else.

Ph34r d4 C/-//_/p4c4br4

Post Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:05 am

U need our patch 1st of all,it's at on our forums (need to register) and that's it.If u still can't find it let me know and i'll post IP and port so u can direct connect

Post Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:06 pm

Go on Joing th Alien clan, im there


Never be afraid to try something new, Remember Amatuers built the Ark, Professionals built the Titanic

Post Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:25 pm

I'll try and convice my parents. I would be honored to fly with you guys, But I must admit, I'm a Yank, in Alaska at that, and I might have trouble timing everything.

Ph34r d4 C/-//_/p4c4br4

Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 3:51 am

Timing's not really that much a problem mate,i'm sometimes found on their at 2am in the morning,but anyway,let us know how it goes


Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 5:50 am

i will give it some thought phoenix m8 will speak with you on the server m8

Angels Always return they never go away for long .note to oneself {stop listening to myself ? }

Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:00 pm

I can't figure it out, how do I join your clan?

Ph34r d4 C/-//_/p4c4br4

Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 3:55 pm


TO ALL if you go to DS9 dont do these things.

(1) DONT have a opinion of your own.
(2) DONT try argueing with any DS9 Admin your wrong FACE it lol.
(3) SUCK up to PK as much as you can you will go a long way "STRONGHOLD" hint hint.

(4) DONT try making a clan on DS9 as you will get BULLIED off the server.
(5) DONT try putting your point across YOU WILL BE BANNED.
(6) DONT say any thing about PK'S toes lmfao!!!!!

These are the things you will need for DS9.

(1) BE a SUCK up
(2) Stab every one in the back.
(3) BE in all the clan and become inbred!!!!!!
(4) Always back up PK even when she's wrong "becuase she's never wrong she's GOD"
(5)Make the first move always for PK as she can't do it her self "as she always jumps on the band wagon if some one says it first "




The dune clan LIVE agian on another SERVER i will not say which one as i do not believe in bringing trouble to another server



and more will come


Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 3:58 pm

sorry for telling the truth lol

Edited by - /-=DUNE=-/TREK on 9/3/2005 4:58:51 PM

Edited by - /-=DUNE=-/TREK on 9/3/2005 4:59:33 PM

Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:14 pm

/-=DUNE=-/ANGEL_AZREAL thank you m8 for bringing the clan back together you no where my loyaltys lie m8 with the clan as always we must get revenge on those who killed us off i have a new ip address and will be back to revenge my clan no one knows me at this ip i will revenge my clan and no one will see me arrive m8 i guarntee you no one will no me i have practiced this for so long long its about time for revenge its been to long comming no one kills our clan and walks away i was fireblade for to long now i return to even the score and settle the debt to the dune clan the clan all ds9 where scared off THAT IS THE truth as we NEVER GAVE IN TO DS 9 thats for sure I AM on KOS WOLFS PC WATCH ME ARRIVE TO DESTROY YOUS A WARNING TO YOUS ALL say what yous may YOUS NO ME you will never see me AS i have always said WE are stronger than the first time we are THERE now BE WARNED MAYHEM is to FOLLOW YOUS ALL HAVE BEEN WARNED YOU CANNOT STOP US


Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:23 pm


Angels Always return they never go away for long .note to oneself {stop listening to myself ? }

Post Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:12 pm

SPOT on ANGEL ill get the other lads to say some thing on here.

also to the lads on lancer-reactor sorry to bring this to your forums but i have been banned from DS( forums for telling the truth and this way they can not stop me from telling my side

if this does make waves in your forums plaese remove all my post's and that of my CLAN.




Post Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:03 am

This player was banned from our server, due to huge amount of lying and trying to cause a lot of trouble between clan members. If you go to our forums through our web site - and see how many happy and content players we have on our server.

Unfortunately, we do have the brainless minority who try and disturb a peaceful server and their only aim is to cause trouble. They are removed permanantly from the server, and instead of getting on with their lives, the decide they are going to spend what spare time they have making a complete fool of themselves because they realised afterwards what a great server they got banned from.

I would appreciate it if the Admin of these forums could remove the posts made by the Dune clan, and could you confirm the ip's of Trek and Angel please, as I think its the same person. Angel has posted earlier on this same thread, so I have a feeling that Trek might have hacked into Angels Account.

Many thanks

Edited by - ds9peacekeeper on 9/4/2005 7:22:24 AM

Post Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:05 am

Trek can you keep out of the Alien Clans recruitment poster, this is unrelated...


Edited by - [DEAAvenger on 9/5/2005 12:52:52 AM

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