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305th Fighter Squadron Recruitment

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Post Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:00 pm

305th Fighter Squadron Recruitment

The 305th Fighter Squadron is recruiting new members to join this new fleet. First of all, you r probably thinking that this will be another run-of-the-mill sales pitch, but it is not.
Reasons to join the 305th Fighter Squadron:

1. Anybody can join
2. No XP is necessary to join
3. This clan has already members that will help a new member instead of leaving u to drift
4. We will have a clan server (the modded server will be one that is made by dark_agent343) very soon which will feature our own system, bases, customized ship selection, etc.
5. We already have made an alliance with the {SGC} on the 24/7 Airforce server

Well, if i havent made it clear enough aout what is necessary to join (in which case ill be quite mad, considerin that NOTHING is necessary to join) than contact me at [email protected]

No need to post 3 messages in 6 minutes. I'm combining your other posts with this one - Parabolix

We are in need of all members, but if you prefer certain assignments tell me that in ur application at [email protected]

the clan tag is {305} and the leader will always go be the name versoth (me)
we accept members of all reputation, we dont care if ur a pirate or a trader, or a cop or whatever. Just as long as you dont pick fights with allies of fellow clan members you will be fine here.

Some people have an innate need to belong to something, anything at all. This place was created by one of these people, and if you need to belong somewhere, then come here.

(btw we have an innate respect for the insane)

Edited by - parabolix on 12/2/2004 5:02:12 PM

Post Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:11 pm

well dude that thing about we dont care what you are defeats the point of the mod wer making for you. i dont rember if i told you srry if i didnt but this mod i hope will be role playing. your clan has to pick somthing. my clan is a piret clan my aillie is a trading navy clan. feel free to make somthing up but plez dont mix somthing completly opiset. like pireting cops. lol and check your e mail i replayed to you.


p.s dont look behind u

Post Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:06 am

you could put pirate, and navy mission in the system, so you can choose what you wanna be, and make it so if you do either you get better with 305th.

also you could put a trade route that starts in your clan system and goes somewhere else, with some chalenges (like a mine feild) or something to make trading a possibility.

just some sugestions. by the way dark_agent who is going to make the systems and stuff for your mod??

Post Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:49 am

I sent you an email about the clan. Im interested. Let me know.
Tally ho.

Post Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:20 pm

I would like to join. I´m anxious to see it.

P.S. If possible could i fly in my own modded ship. i would really like that!!! :p

Post Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:04 pm

first, i forgot whos making the mod. sent me an email and i forgot whos doing it
2nd, cress, fire me an email. about the modded ship, im not sure. gonna have to find out whos making the mod.
3rd weve been renamed as the 181st Merc Squadron, so, were mercs. you pay, we play, thats the motto (for now until i think of another one)

Encircled by vicious Brutes, the Master Chief lowers his dual SMGs. He hears a female voice in his ear "Bet you can't stick 'em"
"You're on"

Post Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:36 pm

anyway, since were mercs, mainly were gonna be neutral to all shipping companies, probably nmee to all cops, and friends w/ all criminals

Encircled by vicious Brutes, the Master Chief lowers his dual SMGs. He hears a female voice in his ear "Bet you can't stick 'em"
"You're on"

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