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Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:32 pm

The file is plenty small enough to mail. Go ahead and send it with a brief description of what kind of paint job you want and I'll give it a try.

Post Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:46 pm

okay i sent it out from my gmail account

Post Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:00 pm


If Tron and The Last Starfighter got together and shared DNA, I'm pretty sure that the ships would end up looking like that As usual, very nice stuff- I like the way that the various blues end up enhancing the geometry, instead of just reducing it all to a low-poly blur.

On a more technical note, DcDtOcOtTwo would probably be more appropriate for the cockpit glass areas, and if you use DDS DTX3 (yes, it does work in the FL game engine- I was apparantly mistaken when I thought that it did not), you can make an alpha channel that will allow you to have selective transparency... without the blurry yuckiness of DXT5 compression. Just a thought.


Well, that definately looks ship-like I'm looking forward to seeing your work as it gets a little more polished, but it looks like you're catching on.

Edited by - Argh on 12/26/2005 9:46:44 PM

Post Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:12 am

I think i'll try and texture This next... >=) wish me luck

Edited by - Gila on 12/27/2005 6:12:49 AM

Post Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:20 am

Good luck Nice ship though Gila, that second model looks quite nice, and unique

Post Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:26 am

some of my first models (even some of my current ones) looked much worse then those, your ships look good keep working with them you'll see, i actually wish i had more time to work with my ships i could most likely improve them to the quality of some of the master shipmakers around here i have as of yet to truely finish any of my models. keep working on them.

check out my gallery of 3D models at my homepage

Post Tue Dec 27, 2005 12:14 pm

Ares pic 1
Ares pic 2

What ya think?

Post Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:57 pm

Nice texture. Bold but simple and crisp. The front droplet wings could probably use a different texture. Though since I can't recommend anything better, I shouldn't say anything at all Nice ship though, reminds me of an Su-37.

Post Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:01 pm

The frontal wings have been changed slightly (flipped em) and ive changed the shading a little....

Post Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:02 pm

*sigh* my milkshake has expired, and unfortuneately my "totally legal serial code" didnt i cant enter another one. Anyone wanna do me a huuuuge favour and export my ship as a mat/cmp for me?


Post Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:19 pm

Um... uninstall MS3D... get the current version from Chumbalumsoft's site... and buy it. It's that simple. Really.

Post Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:54 am


Any opinions on the ship?

Post Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:10 am


Ok, serious critique time... here's an honest assessment. This is your second try, so please keep this in mind- normally, I'd just give you bland encouragement, but you've asked for an opinion, so I'll give it to you straight.

1. The geometry is interesting, but it's not well-executed. You obviously wasted a lot of faces needlessly. A typical example is the tail area, which could've been modeled far more efficiently if you'd built it as an extrusion and then merged the bottom of the tail with the body. Instead, it appears that you modeled the body from a series of shapes, pushing and pulling points and probably wasting a lot more polygons than what I can see in the screenshot. I'd have to see the model itself to offer more detailed help. Don't take this badly- when you're just getting started, you're happy enough that it looks neat (which it does) and that it works. But... to get to a higher level, you also need to think about efficient modeling techniques, and not waste polygons.

2. The skin... well... it's a skin. But it's not an interesting skin. Basically, you took one repeating metal texture, colored it in Photoshop, and then did minor modifications to it to add symbols and to give the front area that grille. It's very uninteresting, and the use of just one color, without any detailing to break it up, just turns a ship that looked pretty kewl unskinned into a green blob with stripes. I really don't care for the front grille texture, either- it doesn't make any sense, and doesn't make me think, "hey, that's a functional widget". I'd really have to say that you need to download some of Jsncaliff's wonderful ships, or the Demoship from my Tutorial ... and study them. Small details, such as stains, glowmap areas, windows, ports, and various mechanical widgets with contrasts of light, color, tone and shade really make a huge difference between good stuff and bad.

Now, before you start concluding that I'm just being mean to you- be patient, and just keep at it. Believe you me- my first stuff stank on ice, and it took a loooong time for me to get any good at skinning or modeling for games... and I'm still not uber-leet. I really am not all that artistically gifted- I'm just bloody persistant, and I've refused to give up. You just have to keep at it, and learn from other people. For example, I read Photoshop tutorials about how to make realistic glass, metal, paint and other things, and then try to apply it. Just keep trying new techiques out, and you will get the hang of it, now that you have passed the initial hurdles, and can do a basic skin. Re-read my Tutorial here... you will learn some things you didn't the first time (or, if you haven't read it, and are using just Drizzt's... you'll realise what you've been missing). Skinning is a tricky art form, because it's basically an art of concealment and illusion... and the more you learn about "fine" painting techniques, etc., the better you can do at it, because "fine" painting is also about creating illusions of space, light, etc. on flat surfaces

Post Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:07 pm

- Hehe, actually the tail is an extrusion...the entire ship was built as one object.

- Here's the model as .gmax and .md3, i made this a while ago and looking back on it i could have fixed a couple of things (the exhausts/intake faces being one of them) - If you wanna "show me how its done" then go ahead, that would be awesome

- Any texture suggestions for the two front panels?

- Thanks for the critique. i will most likely be working on the skin this weekend.

Zip containing .MD3, .GMAX, .DDS, .OBJ (500kb)

EDIT: forgot to mention, in the gmax file i fixed the front engine intakes.

Edited by - Gila on 12/28/2005 5:33:45 PM

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