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New Mod Idea!

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?FL Rebalance Mod? for Freelancer

Post Sat May 08, 2004 6:39 pm

New Mod Idea!

I was wondering if any of you guys like the Privateer series of mods for freelancer? Or if any of you like Flight Space 1.1v Mod? Or FL Rebalance 3.40?
( I am asking the Devteams to make a Mod that will come all the good parts of their current mods and comibine them into one single awnsome mod) (Personally I think this is a good idea but I do not know how to make mods what so ever.)
(So I am asking the DEV GODS to show their talents once more) PLZ!

If so here is my idea. Make it so that Privateer 2.4 and Flight Space 1.1 into 1 mod. Add the battleship encounter mod but make the orginal BS be replaced with the customed ones. Add a couple of systems that are on the Rebalace 3.4 mod like the Minbare system with their own caps paotroling in that system or sereis of systems. Make sure the right capitol ships are in the right system. EX the Earth Alliance ships (human) would be in the Liberty, Kushari, and Rhinelender the Omega Class destroyer for exmaple in the liberty system and other (human) systems. The Vorlon Planet Killer would go in the Vorlon Space "system"...I jsut think it would be cool if you could fly Wing Commander ships and BAB 5 ships plus other cool ones and get it in the same mod.

Cpt. Starwarrior

Post Sat May 08, 2004 7:25 pm

EDIT: Okay, you've posted here, in General Editing, Off-Topic, Freelancer Discussion and Babylon 5. Please don't post any more of the same thread in any more forums. And don't use ALL CAPS in the subject line (your other posts). If you want to be a nice guy and not get into trouble with the moderators, you should delete some of your posts.

Sir S

Post Tue May 18, 2004 2:41 pm

Can somebody make an flmm mod that turns a turret into a beam turret like the adv. beam weapon mod that would rock!!!!! thanx alot
one fish
one fishette

the fishette

Post Fri May 21, 2004 6:56 am

Not to be rude, but have you ever considered trying modding yourself? It's actually quite easy; after you get some practice, it becomes pretty fun. Adding things like guns, equipment, and bases is not much more than copying and pasting entries of other items, then editting the parts (refire rate, power usage, range, effects, price, availabilty ... ) to match your desires.

Look in the Editting and Editting Tutorails Forums for some very helpful and easy-to-follow/step-by-step help with these things.

I didn't know about modding FL until several months ago, and I didn't dare dream that I would (or even COULD) start making my own little tweaks and chnge in the FL game folder files. Now I have made my own ship, weapons, equipment, and base - with a lot of help from the Tutorials, as well as just independent exploring/trials. So give it a try. I suggest copying/pasting things from that Turret in that Beam Weapon Mod, then changing its Hardpoint to a Turret. Like I said, just try it.

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