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viurus with one porgram

Here you can find the postings on the different editing utilities found for Freelancer

Post Sat Jun 07, 2003 10:22 pm

viurus with one porgram

bws_iniviewee_110_1 there a virus with a boo. something but it there dont use it

Edited by - sor_plasma on 09-06-2003 02:59:41

Post Sun Jun 08, 2003 12:58 pm

Oh my god!! Its the Gibberish man.

Think before you type and type it again

The ones who have havn't...
The ones who don't do...

Post Sun Jun 08, 2003 5:23 pm

Hmm... i think this is the first case of a computer->human virus transferral... either that, or this really is the elusive Gibberish Man...

Post Mon Jun 09, 2003 2:01 am

na i scand it and it had the virus


Post Mon Jun 09, 2003 5:01 pm


Do you use norton anti-virus
I think so, because that program thinks that every program made with Visual Basic is a virus, it even thinks that some games (like the old ra: aftermath) is a virus.
There is no virus in it, I know for sure. I`ve scanned it 1000`s of times and I didn`t have one error

PS get the new version

Post Mon Jun 09, 2003 10:47 pm

i scand it it say no virus but when i run it it say a virus it wired mybe it just that my virus program to sentive

Edited by - sor_plasma on 09-06-2003 23:48:16

Post Fri Jun 13, 2003 2:06 am

A lot of times, Norton thinks that scripts are viruses, because they act the same way that viruses do.

P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website!

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