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UTF Editor released

Here you can find the postings on the different editing utilities found for Freelancer


Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:14 pm

I believe i pinpointed the point of the code where things are going wrong, i'm just trying to understand why you have this problem when myself and other people who've been testing the editor haven't encountered this problem... this is very strange

I will post something on this thread later today tho.


Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:35 am

I'm not able to reproduce the problem you're having here, so i'll upload a new version of the UTF Editor for you to test. I'll be sending an e-mail.

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:58 am

jo hi

i have found the problem
the problem is my computer lol
i have two computer with win2k
and on my computer is something
other as the other computer .
on the other computer i have not the problem
maybe is a DLL on my computer other send me plaese a list on the files
to used the UTF editor .
i check then the special files on my computer
then send i request to you !

ok cu then


Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 5:03 am


In your message you said,
"It seems to me that there are 2 coordinate systems involved here, with the weapons having a different set of x,y,z definitions, and this orientation matrix refers the weapon's coordinate frame to the ship's body frame. I don't understand why they did it this way, since having a seperate frame for the weapons and using a 3x3 matrix to describe the orientation alone seems rather redundant to me"

If you watch the weapons on the standard ships, the weapons to not all traverse the same. Could it be that the three sets of coordinates specify how the hardpoint (not the weapon, but the hardpoint) can rotate in relation to the Axis of the hardpoint?


Hardpoint is next to the hull, and the Axis for the hardpoint defines the default centerline for the hardpoint as an x,y,z coordinate relative to the portion of the ship it's mounted on. Given that (and using a coordinate system of -1 (90 deg counterclockwise of center), 0 (dead center as defined by Axis), 1 (90 degrees clockwise of center), then you'd have

X: -1,0, .50 - which would stop gun traverse in the X Axis at 45 degrees from Axis (to allow for the hull being in the way),

Y: -.50, 0 ,1 - to stop traverse in the negative area (so we don't shoot through the wing)

Z:0, 0, 0, - since it's a gun at a fixed location, no Z traverse needed.

Just a thought...


Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 8:07 pm

johndmes, I got it all worked out already. My guess was mostly correct and the matrix has nothing to do with rotation limits. Check my tutorial for details.

War does not decide who is right, only who is left.

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 3:26 pm

Hi HCl, you've done a GREAT job with this UTF editor! Thank you!

Just one more question... Don't you going to slightly improve your editor? We there in Russia are trying to translate Freelancer to Russian language, and there's so more WAVes packed to UTF. It's too hard to extract them all one-after-one, making FOUR actions for EACH wave... Could you please include batch operations into your tool?

I suggest that there's might be a button "Extract all", which are should:
- create a folder that have the same name as the UTF pack;
- extract all packed files to that folder, giving them a 0xXXXXXXXX filename (with no extensions, 'cause they are might be different and unreognisable. If you know the exact method to recognose formats, it will also be useful).

Or, there might be a simply "multiple-selection" treelist, and "Extract" will extract all selected fragments...

Could you please help us?

Edited by - StrangerIV on 08-04-2003 16:32:39

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 2:24 pm

I'm trying to extract textures for a ship im building, but I have zero clue how. I used the UTF editor to go to the Kusari texture liberary, and clicked the Ku_elite.tga(or something like it) and there was a MIPS thing under neith, which is the only thing I can export. What is that MIPS thing anyhow? All I want are the textures.


Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 6:20 pm

Stranger: You'll be glad to know that some of the features you mentioned are planned for a future version of the UTF editor I'll get to work on it after i get work done on SUR files.

Hole in Head: Export the MIPS data into a DDS file, and use NVidia's DDS plugin to edit it. This has been mentioned several times in the forum, btw.


Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 6:28 pm

Also, and because i forgot to mention this before: if you are experiencing the same string error mentioned by CoreDump and KillerMatrix earlier in this thread, which seems to be a rare occurrence from the feedback i get, you're encouraged to download this version (there will be another version of the UTF editor soon, so no point on uploading this quick fix to a permanent location)


Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 8:04 pm

A note for HCl : Could you please modify your prog I could press ESCAPE without loosing my .mat without notification
Thanks in advance.

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 10:58 pm

Ah, thx! Sry bout bringing that up, there is a lot of stuff to sift through to find just one little thing.

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 7:55 am

Thanks, HCl! I'll be wait for a little...

Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 6:53 pm

HCl first off you ROCK! Thanks for all the info, tools and work you've put into this community.

I am having a problem with the UTF Ed. I have been having a problem with my custom ships always being transparent. Every .mat file I use that someone else made works perfectly. I noticed though that my files appear just a little different. For example with your Tigershark .mat the DcDt has a size of 5 bytes with a Hex value of 44 63 44 74 00. However any mat file I make the DcDt has a size of 8 bytes with Hex being 44 63 44 74 00 00 00 00. I've tried entering string text, or array values all with the same result. I think this "diference" in my files is causing the transparent ships problem.

Any Ideas?

Post Tue May 06, 2003 10:38 pm

I do not know if this is posted but what do you need to do with Dt_name when adding textures to the ship. I used Borg Sphere as reference but I do not understand what numbers in Dt_name and Type represent. Any clue on this.

o)==[::::::::::::> May strong survive and weak perish <::::::::::::==(o

Post Fri Jul 04, 2003 10:36 pm

Ah good, just what I was looking for.
There needs to be a selection to extract all files from the file. I am taking the UTF files from the Audio folder.

I live on the outskirts of the Sirius Sector near a Nomad Nebula...Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma.

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