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8 sleeper ships??

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Post Sun Feb 29, 2004 12:36 am

@Stormscape- 250 survivors from all opf Mexico? You don't like Mexicans do you?
And also, what if the Mexican president had put his money in the bank of Liberty and then used the interest to fund a massive technological revolution in El Signia...?


Post Sun Feb 29, 2004 4:14 am

I think what would be cool is the arrival of a sleeper ship on which the people had awakened long before. Their journey had been slowed down or something, so they colonised a different place entirely, but then one day they decided to follow the original flight plan from the ship. Because they'd come from a different place, the likelihood is that they would have completely different technology - something to let the mod makers something to let their creativity loose on

"A good pun is its own reword"

Post Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:32 am

You'll find Liberty pilots with Hispanic names once in a while. Obviously, some Mexican-Americans were aboard the sleeper ship. Pity they didn't send some bartenders, so you could order something besides that Liberty ale they serve. And you KNOW what American beer tastes like!

Jose Chavez: "Trent! It's good to see my kind of scum."

Post Sun Feb 29, 2004 4:32 pm

oh just so you know, the El Signia didnt land in Sirius. Instead it drifted off to a starcluster not too far from the borders of Sirius, The El Signia systems might be in Freelancer 2. I would tell you the systems but i would be banned for spoiling.

Orillion: So trent, will you help us with the mission?

Trent: Sure, as long as I'm not shot at, knocked out, held at gunpoint, electrocuted, skewered alive by giant alien shapeshifters, have to dive out windows, or fight off spindly nomad incubi.

Post Sun Feb 29, 2004 4:36 pm

oh Puke Barwalker, i dont know how american beer tasts because i dont drink

Orillion: So trent, will you help us with the mission?

Trent: Sure, as long as I'm not shot at, knocked out, held at gunpoint, electrocuted, skewered alive by giant alien shapeshifters, have to dive out windows, or fight off spindly nomad incubi.

Post Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:10 pm

stormscape, its El Signia. there r 2 i's

B-) <- learn to spell El Signia right or this is what i will do to your face!!!!!

Post Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:13 pm

that was supposed to look like this B-)

Post Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:14 pm

that was supposed to be a black eye, somthing must be wrong with my keyboard

Orillion: So trent, will you help us with the mission?

Trent: Sure, as long as I'm not shot at, knocked out, held at gunpoint, electrocuted, skewered alive by giant alien shapeshifters, have to dive out windows, or fight off spindly nomad incubi.

Post Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:30 am

heh, the Microsfot/Alliance sleeper ships was my joke

Post Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:34 am

supposedly there were originally eight sleeper ships:

British = Bretonia
German = Rheinland
American = Liberty
Spanish and Latin American = Hispania
Japanese = Kusari
French = ?????
Italy = ?????
Canada(?) = ?????

At the beginning of StarLancer however, the French and Italian fleets were wiped out, hence reducing they're hopes of a new beginning! As for Canada, I just threw that one in...


- The home of Freelancer: Rebirth, the prequel to Freelancer!

Post Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:06 am

An Italian sleeper ship? As if there isn't enough trouble already with the Corsairs and outcasts!

The French ship would probably have been called something blah like La Belle France. The Canuck sleeper would have been the Moosejaw.

Jose Chavez: "Trent! It's good to see my kind of scum."

Post Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:39 am

Well, if anyone payed Starlancer then they would know...(possible spoiler alert )

Ok, 8 sleeper ships... Italian and French were wiped out, their sleeper ships were never biult....Canada no idea about but the rest were Bretonia, Rhienland, Kusari & Liberty

Post Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:18 am

And Hispania!


Post Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:17 am

Even if you haven't played Starlancer, there's evidence in FL of 8 sleeper ships. I ran a search for it through the game data - for those of you with fled-ids, the ref is 133222. 3 of the sleeper ships were destroyed by the Coalition blockade

"A good pun is its own reword"

Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 9:01 pm

If you go strictly by the opening movie and the more or less verifiable history, is it not possible that there is one additional sleeper ship waiting in the wings? In the video, does it not show five sleeper ships? Well, if it does, you would think that that implies there are six sleeper ships that made it to hyperspace (or whatever you want to call it), seeing as the Liberty was launched two years before the others, and thus wouldn't/shouldn't appear in the opening video. This is just speculation however.

P.S. Is there anywhere that you can download the second version of the opening video, the one where the Nomads vapourize Sol? I would greatly appreciate directions. Thanks.

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