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Feedback on Forums

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Post Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:39 am

Feedback on Forums

Hey guys i got a question to ask you.

When someone posts a MOD here on the site for review and or download...don't we give either positive feedback and or CONSTRUCTIVE critisism?

I was showing a few EARLY EARLY test screens of a mod i am working on for another game...and i guess people don't read descriptions very well and saw the print.."Still adding code and extras..stay tuned"

I got flakked on so badly it was enough for mee to pull it off the site. I have never seen peole here do that to one another nor have i seen "Community Favoritism" at least in the way i saw there....for that community i saw only about 4 people getting ANY positive feedback from people and DOZENS upon DOZENS of others getting reemed like they were the WORST modders in the world.. it makes you sad and infuriated all at the same time.

Maybe it is just here everyone is "open minded" and "Patient" when it comes to mods or works in progress, and don't pass too much judgement on EARLY test sccreenshots..i guess i will jsut stick with Freelancer modding...and give up the other games...(at least for public releasing that is)...mainy cause the community here is outstanding and HELPFUL.

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

Post Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:00 am

*moved to the appropriate forum IMO*


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