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More Smilies you can use here in the Forums

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri May 04, 2007 5:19 pm

More Smilies you can use here in the Forums

Here are some more smilies (emoticons) animated you can use here in the forums.
Don't forget to add a bracket to the start and end of the code.


Post Fri May 04, 2007 5:20 pm

Page 2


Post Fri May 04, 2007 5:21 pm

<ul> emoticon - text (code) to use - add a bracket [ in at start and end of text.

Edited by - bakedpotato on 5/6/2007 10:40:52 AM

Post Sat May 05, 2007 4:26 am

Great, thanks BP!

Post Sat May 05, 2007 2:17 pm

cool really cool

Post Sat May 05, 2007 2:44 pm

Post Sat May 05, 2007 4:49 pm

And as if we dun have enough smiles already

Post Sat May 05, 2007 10:40 pm

Okay, maybe I'm a moron, but how do you use these? What's the syntax, exactly?

Post Sat May 05, 2007 11:49 pm

To use the smilies it's fairly simple.
Highlight the code for the smilie that you want to use.
To highlight text, hold down the left mouse button and drag it over the text or code in this case.

Say you want this one the code or text for that is, img=/images/animated_emoticons/tongue.gif

Then right click on the highlighted code and select copy or use ctrl c (on the keyboard) that will copy the code to the clipboard.
And then put your cursor (the blinking line) where you want it to appear, then right click and select paste or use ctrl v (on the keyboard) and that will put the code in where you want it to appear.

You have to put brackets [ at the start and end of the code.

Here's an example but with the greater than signs <> instead of brackets because the forums see a set of brackets as a command.
<img=/images/animated_emoticons/tongue.gif> will show up as
You can also click on edit in anyone's post to see how it's done.
You can only edit your own posts but at least you can see how it's done.

Post Sun May 06, 2007 12:48 am

i doubt that many ppl will use this... its too complicated

Post Sun May 06, 2007 3:09 am

Well, its better than using your own smilies on another server. This way, everything is stored on one physical device, rather than two that are continents apart.

However, i do agree that it is a bit more tedious than the current method of using smileys.
If it isnt really possible to add dynamic image linking in the posts (like with the old smileys), would it not be a good idea to add another link on the 'post reply' page to 'Advanced smileys' or something? might make it a bit easier than contantly having to refer back to this thread...

Just my $0.02

Post Sun May 06, 2007 7:44 am

a real bbcode module would be better
not hard to create but alot of new code

Post Sun May 06, 2007 10:19 am

Got to adimit, these are some seriously good ones. Now just need one with a beard.

Post Mon May 07, 2007 9:24 am

Thanks, BP.

Post Tue May 08, 2007 3:19 pm

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