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This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri May 04, 2007 11:52 am


Bah, this site stinks!
And most of all its users are terrible!
Like Esqilaxative the rabit rabbit, or Taw with his Socialistic fundamentalistic brainwashing and indoctrination. I can't believe you still listen to that.

You should instead all follow to the Daft Emperor, he will save you from their evil plots!

*shakes fist*

(still love you guys )

"Now if I never made one cent
I? ll still be rich as rockefeller
There will be goldust at my feet
On the sunny side of the street"

Post Fri May 04, 2007 1:20 pm

O.o I thought I'd never see you again!

Post Fri May 04, 2007 2:18 pm

*shakes fist at nick*

Fie on you! I posted a "coming out of the shadows to say hi" thread after only a couple of months away and you post one havin' been shush for what? A year and a half? Two? Limelight stealing sfofsohgon pghrpg...

Oh, and, erm,...hi!

Post Fri May 04, 2007 2:58 pm

Will wonders never cease!!!

Now if we get Taw the Rabbit and the Daft one in the same room, what could be done?

Post Fri May 04, 2007 3:41 pm

*Emerges from shadows* Well, well, well. The once self-styled "Rabbit Devil" has crawled back up from TLR's sewers () for the sole purpose of insulting the Esquilax and the Mullah. It's as if he never scurried off in the first place! Well Dafty, care to tell us what you've been up to? Go on, wow us . In addition, will you be stickin' around, or this is a temporary visit to remind us all that you're still alive .

There's no place like

Edited by - esquilax on 5/4/2007 4:43:30 PM

Post Fri May 04, 2007 5:38 pm

Even I will wander out of the shadows for this one.

*tips hat to nickless*

Ahh, the list of people who say they are giving up TLR forever. Never seems to work.

Post Sat May 05, 2007 5:02 am

*Damn that stupid clear fields button*

Hi all,

Nice to see everyone's still alive and well.
I'm alive and doing very well (thank you) and back for a little while I suppose. I'm using TLR's extensive database for the better good of my modding skills.
Yep, I'm actually back into freelancer. Not that much though, but just enough to change a few constants to see if I can make FL a bit more interresting.

Anyway, after rediscovering my username last night, I thought it would be nice to drop you all a quick howdy. But don't expect me to make fleet admiral just yet, I won't be spending too much time here, but I'll occasionally stop by.

Until then, you're all free to join my Army of Daftness of course

"Now if I never made one cent
I? ll still be rich as rockefeller
There will be goldust at my feet
On the sunny side of the street"

Post Sat May 05, 2007 11:09 am

hi nick, you ole dutch devil, hows tricks?

Post Sat May 05, 2007 11:17 am

Ole Dutch Devil eigh??

Hey Nick! Long time no speak lad, yes Im still alive, very much so, only due to expanded workload some place else, one of me proxies *hands ff some cash* warned me you were alive so thought what the heck, just go for it.

Haven't seen you online in ages, nor here nor on MSN, so if yer willing, drop me a line sometime, addy is still the same (and included in me profile if yer confusedye daft sod )

and ehhh, hi guys!

Edited by - Locutov on 5/5/2007 12:17:29 PM

Post Sat May 05, 2007 2:15 pm

hello top of the day to you [ crawles back into his bunker hidden amonsg the mountians in north west corzinenastan

Post Sun May 06, 2007 2:26 am

he's back! the Emperor of Daftness! Sole leader and deity of the Dafticons of the Qualor Galaxy (next door to Netto in the rubbish skips)

I agree with everything you say about the foulness of Rabbitism, but you haven't yet truly appreciated the perfection of the Tawakalnic ideal. Peace, prosperity, rabbit for tea, and nice backhanders from dodgy transatlantic deals with Indycorp Global Usury Conglomerate (Inc) and a Lada Riva for everyone courtesy of Swiss Drui Car Emporium, round the back of Dublin docks in a new portakabin nonetheless (well a different one, not exactly *new* in the strict sense of the word but good enough to fool a few Bank Holiday punters...)

Sadly owing to the demands of the Tawakalnistani economy, still recovering from depradations of a rabbit infestation (see earlier postings) Your Mullah is unable to address these boards quite as much as he would like, although he checks in every now and then to make sure they haven't been overtaken by blatant rabbitism or FD's spammery.

Post Sun May 06, 2007 3:10 am

Ah, the evil overlord of daftness has returned to us!
*Quickly shuffles Nickless into an armoured car*

Long time no see!

Post Mon May 07, 2007 1:16 am

Hey Taw
moderator? WTF!?
Things certainly changed a lot.

Looks like the lack of Daftiness here has created some sort of wormhole to an alternated universe where they let Mullah's roam free. Talk about bad luck
Why didn't anyone warn me. I mean, rabbits I can take, but this is too much.

And Hi to the rest of you of course

"Now if I never made one cent
I? ll still be rich as rockefeller
There will be goldust at my feet
On the sunny side of the street"

Edited by - Nickless: Revived on 5/7/2007 2:17:06 AM

Post Mon May 07, 2007 4:56 am

I'm not really a schmoderator, BP just dressed me up as one when he got bored with his Barbies.

Post Mon May 07, 2007 7:54 am

Careful Taw or I'll give your Barbie collection back before I said I would return it.
Although I've become really attached to some of them
"Bah, this site stinks!
And most of all its users are terrible!"

You got it backwards.
Bah, this site is terrible! - That's true enough...
And most of all its users stink! -

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