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Reoccurring Dreams

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:25 pm

*Muses, deep in TLR's shadows* I knew that spiking Tawakalnistan's oases, would work. It's all falling into place...

Post Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:40 pm

My my what a vivid recollection you have Tawski. Though what's really interesting about this whole thing is that your dreams are sequential, I've honestly never heard of anyone having an episodic sequence of dreams like that. I'm sure freud would come to the same conclusion that I came to years ago, quite simply, you're nucking futs.

Post Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:31 pm

nobody can interpret your dreams better than you can yourself, symbology isn't an external phenomenon. so figure out what star trek means to you, what your character's deal is, and voila you've got your answer. but anyways, psychology tells us that dreams are the resolution of unfinished thoughts during the day, so maybe there was a common trigger to all these events?

wanna hear a wierd one? when i was a kid i used to have a reoccuring dream that the town flooded while i was asleep and i was the only one left alive, trapped inside our house that had strangely stayed watertight - another bizarre one was a dream where i would go to this great repository of knowledge that was like a cross of willy-wonka's elevator and the matrix's armory where everything i ever wanted to know about anything was kept, and there was an old man there who would talk with me about life and drink tea (of all things! i hate tea!) with me.

and there was this hideous recurring waking-nightmare i had of every surface in sight being covered with spiders - maybe i was bitten by a spider as a baby? dunno what any of it means really, other than the dreamworld is not something that we can really comprehend when we're awake

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